Author Topic: The boys from Kansas are at it again  (Read 54114 times)

Offline Andy Carlson

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Re: The boys from Kansas are at it again
« Reply #15 on: March 09, 2015, 02:58:15 AM »
The N&P Chrysler Hemi powered B/Jr fuel car won the Bakersfield March Meet Nostalgia drags yesterday. I talked at length with Scott after his amazing 6.81 saturday run which placed him as the #1 qualifier. The #2 qualifier was Don Enriquez, who was the driver of the Gene Adams FED Desoto Hemi powered Jr Fueler which in the 1960s was the 1st un-blown car to top 200 MPH. Don has won many of the Bakersfield Nostalgia Jr fuel events, all in SBCs and runnered up this year to Scott.

The engine has OVER one inch valve lift, and besides larger diameter lifter bores also has the individual shaft T&D rocker arm system. This car is so trick, everywhere you look you something very cool. The engined is oiled with a multi-stage dry sump pump belt driven from the crankshaft, but also has a scavenging pump driven off the cam for the sole purpose of returning oil from the heads back to the reservoir. The vacuum pump, distributor and injector pump are all driven from the front as well.

It was mentioned in an earlier post that this is a 354 block. Scott told me that since the cylinders were totally removed, it made no difference, so they used a less expensive 331 block. Both are low deck blocks, lower than the 392.

The car now has 5 passes on it, has already dipped deep into the 6's, and has a lot more potential. Listening to the engine in warm up is a treat. The 421 inch motor on alcohol is VERY loud, and on the track the noise is clearly different from the small blocks sharing the course. Scott said the motor is run up to 10,000 RPM. Very impressive for an engine designed in Harry Truman's presidency!

This is my 1st post to this forum, and I couldn't be prouder to share what I saw and learned at Bakersfield this week end. I have a 170" FED which I last raced  28 years ago. My plans are to get it freshened up and returned to racing it next year.
-Andy Carlson

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Re: The boys from Kansas are at it again
« Reply #16 on: March 09, 2015, 05:33:01 AM »
Cooilest part is if you want any of the trick stuff on the car Frank will sell you one.Pretty sure the engine it self may take a while to get though. Then he probably has a spare or two for the car already built.

By chance did you find out weight of new car with the hemi?  Yea those Parks boys are class act for sure.

Thanks for informative post and welcome to site.
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Offline Andy Carlson

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Re: The boys from Kansas are at it again
« Reply #17 on: March 09, 2015, 10:09:57 AM »
I had lots of questions I did not ask, as I felt I may become a nuisance. Scott told me that the heads were cast from patterns they developed in-house, and were shown to NHRA for approval. He said that the original valve angle was maintained, though I would have liked to know if the hemisphere chamber was enlarged since the bore is over 4.125". (I imagine with so much valve lift that the spring pockets were dropped lower into the head casting, as there are no water passages hindering such a move..) Were the lifter bores geometry changed along with the larger size?

I did not ask for the weight, but if I had a current NHRA rule book the B/ND class weight/cubic inch break would allow us to calculate the dragster's minimum weight for the 421 in engine. With N&P efforts always seeming to be lightening the car's weight, I imagine that they have not left much on the table, weight wise. The 421 inch size leads me to believe the car was too heavy with a hemi to meet the class's minimum weight, which is under 400 cu in. Build the engine big enough to fit the car's weight, I suppose. I suspect that there is no block filler in the engine for weight purposes.

Long way to say "I don't know".

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Re: The boys from Kansas are at it again
« Reply #18 on: March 09, 2015, 10:55:34 AM »
I saw the car several months ago in their shop. I think it's fair to say Frank & Scott are weight conscious fabricators.  ;D

Offline wideopen231

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Re: The boys from Kansas are at it again
« Reply #19 on: March 09, 2015, 11:28:47 AM »
With Parks work on weight savings I would bet the CI is to make the size match the weight and therefore the reason for odd 421ci  number.So 1475 lbs.
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Re: The boys from Kansas are at it again
« Reply #20 on: March 09, 2015, 01:15:29 PM »
The displacement limit for nostalgia Jr/fuel has always been 410
Has there been a rules change that I missed??

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Re: The boys from Kansas are at it again
« Reply #21 on: March 09, 2015, 01:27:01 PM »
Heritage Jr Fuel rules allow a 430" maximum displacement

Southwest Junior Fuel rules allow a 410" maximum displacement

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Re: The boys from Kansas are at it again
« Reply #22 on: March 09, 2015, 02:22:45 PM »
Did they change the format for Junior fuel ? I get the A B C part but is it now a break out class?

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Re: The boys from Kansas are at it again
« Reply #23 on: March 09, 2015, 02:49:44 PM »
I know that over the past sereral years the rules and requirements for the Junior Fuel Dragster Association that races the Heritage Series on the west coast and the Southwest Junior Fuel Association that's in the southwest part of the county have developed some differences in the rules and requirements. The SWJFA runs their competitions heads-up; light turns green in both lanes at the same time.

Jon Hansen can probably talk better about the handi-caps used as a competition equalizer in the Heritage series among the 3 different classes. This is the format they were running at the March Meet.   GO BANG, you rock Chris! Hope none of you missed the excellent live coverage.


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Re: The boys from Kansas are at it again
« Reply #24 on: March 09, 2015, 03:12:56 PM »
Because of the lack of cars and the diversity of the a-b-c engines they handicap the tree based on current NHRA eliminator records, so that in theory even tho the cars leave at different times they will both hit the fininish line with the same relitive ET (slow car et - handicap dif or fast car et + handicap dif) and the only dif being reaction (perfect world).
So now what? does the A group now get hit with a major change in handicap adjustment because a record was set and now have to live with that change or does everybody basic shoots for runner up

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Re: The boys from Kansas are at it again
« Reply #25 on: March 09, 2015, 03:25:59 PM »
Ah, what can I say? Chad at Bangshift rocks!!! I don't know who Chris is or where he came from in my previous post. Sorry Chad, you folks did a great job of coverage, thanks.

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Re: The boys from Kansas are at it again
« Reply #26 on: March 10, 2015, 07:25:02 AM »
   It was meant to be smaller but when the sleeves were brazed into the block they warped and the required clean up bore made it larger in capacity. I guess that the big bore/short stroke deal works as Scott left at 9000 rpm on the 6.81 run, the first time the combo ever went down the track.
  For the second qualifier he bumped the stall up to 9200 as the car tried to dead hook on the first run and shook as a consequence. He also changed to tires with a smaller rollout for the same reason. In the final he caught Don by half track and rode the brake the rest of the way.

Yeah, I am from the south--any further south and I would have been a bloody penguin.

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Re: The boys from Kansas are at it again
« Reply #27 on: March 10, 2015, 10:05:57 AM »
How the current Heritage JrFuel class works is a track dial-in system based on 3 different JF classes. Handi-caps on the 4 tenths Pro Tree is ; JFA = 6.90, JFB = 7.02, JFC = 7.15. Basic difference in the 3 classes is "A" follows the NHRA Comp Elim rules of A/ND, where any head, valve angle 3 1/8" max injector size all iron engines, JFB [ B/ND] is limited to all iron 23° valve angle SBC with raised runner heads, 2 7/8" stack injectors, and OEM style Ford, Chrysler, BBC, iron heads, JFC has all the same rules but limited to non-raised runner SBC heads. All 3 classes had their engine size raised from 410 ci to 430 when NHRA Comp raided the max size 2 years ago. All 3 classes also are on a 3.5 lb/ci weight breaks. 
How the handi cap works is it's a no break-out rule, but if a racer runs below the handi-cap for his class during elims, not qualifying, he doesn't lose, but the very next round goes to the new handi-cap, for everyone in that class. The Heritage JF handi-caps can only be changed at Heritage Events, not at NHRA Comp races.
"The rest of the story", how these rules were put together is, in 2012 the Bakersfield track wanted to eliminate Jr Fuel because of low car counts, and since they have to pay NHRA for the right to have a Heritage event, they were looking at ROI. I have also found JFDA series sponsors to increase the advantages or racing Jrfuel Mallory print, and Hayden Wheels are presenting sponsors with A-1 Performance, S & W Race Cars, Motul Race Oil, giving us gift certs, and E.R.C. Race fuels giving us a 16 gal barrel of alky for the winner, runner-up and the closest  to the handi-cap 1'st round loser. The car count was low mostly because of the economy, but also a certain JFA team ran so fast they chased most of all the JFA teams away in 2008. For the 2012 season in order to help increase car count I let Enriquez/ McKray use one of my RR SBC motors, which allowed them to win their 1'st Heritage Championship.
So, in order to save JF, my company suggested that Hayden Wheels cover the payout for JF, that way none of the Heritage tracks could complain about car counts, because the tracks keep the entry money and only pay for the Wally. And to help increase car count we came up with the idea of inviting JFA back using the Pro tree handi-caps, based on the current at that time A/ND, B/ND national records. A/ND was at the start of 2013 was 6.89, even tho Parks set a new A/ND record to 6.77 in 2013, so we kept it at 6.89 because that's what I talked to all the teams about at the end of 2012. JFB was set at the B/ND record at 6.98, and JFC has no Comp Elim class so we set "C" at what the fastest SWJFA was 7.24. As it turned out at the 2013 March Meet, the JFC handi-cap was reset by a SWJFA team Mallory/Brady, to 7.20 while racing J.D.Zink's JFA car. SouthWest JrFuel Association is limited to non-raised runner for their SBC dragsters, with the only difference is SWJFA races with a 3.65 lbs/ci weight breaks.
My goal is to get the car count up this year so we can go back to Heritage and ask the tracks to cover the pay-outs since Hayden Wheels is not a big company. 
So of course the Heritage JF racers are worried about the Parks-Rowley Racing team's new heads/ motor performance, but as of the 1'st Heritage race they have not reset the JFB handi-cap, and they are not planning on racing Heritage in 2016, so we just have to wait and see how the season works out. If they do lower the handi-cap, we can then reset it back to 7.02 for 2016, but it doesn't make sense for Scott Parks to hit the handi-cap hard since they would also hurt their changes of winning the 2015 Championship. 
For more information check out and feel free to buy any JFDA T shirts to help our tow money fund to help some teams with the 750 mile tow to the Salt Lake City Heritage race. 
Thank You for your interest in JrFuel racing !
Jon Hansen
Jon C. Hansen

Hayden Wheels

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Re: The boys from Kansas are at it again
« Reply #28 on: March 21, 2015, 04:32:28 AM »
The Hemi has been in the works for a few years now.  I bet there will be a 408 motor in the chassis before long, in addition to the big injectors so that they can go play in Comp Eliminator with it.
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Offline JrFuel Hayden

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  • Your Best Time: 6.02, 236 mph, 1/4 in 1973 Div 3 TF Champ
  • Your Engine: SBC, Alky, 403 ci, Best 6.99 @ 190 & 409 Hemi
  • Your Track: Bakersfield
  • Your Vehicle: 225" FED NHRA Heritage Jr Fuel
Re: The boys from Kansas are at it again
« Reply #29 on: March 21, 2015, 09:44:27 AM »
They can race Comp Elim now. The current Hemi is 421 ci, and Comp B/ND and A/ND along with Heritage JF engine size limit is 430 ci. Parks can race A/ND, with a max injector size of 3 1/8", or B/ND with a 2 7/8" injectors. Scott Parks 1'st qualifying  run of 6.81 would be .750 under the B/ND Comp index. NHRA had a meeting last week in Gainsville to re-look at their approval of the Parks hemi heads, since NHRA tech passed them in 2008, and decided their approval still stands. BTW Parks has their hemi heads  for sale, that is one of the conditions for NHRA approval. The N&P heads flow over 460 cfm, proof of that is the 194 mph Scott ran in Bakersfield at the March Meet.
The 421 ci hemi means the min car weight, with driver  needs to be 1473.5 lbs at 3.5 lb/ ci. At the Bakersfield scales they weighted 1505 lb.They also brought a back-up motor of 412 ci. Because of the completely bored out 331 ci Chrysler block and welded in sleeves to increase, beyond OEM size, they had to increase the bore size until it came out round, so that's how it came out to be 421 ci. 
Neil & Parks Racing with financial help from racer Jon Rowely spent allot of time, 10 years, and money to build this "out of the box thinking" project.
Drool away guys !
Jon C. Hansen

Hayden Wheels