Technical > Matt Shaff's Engine Shop

Zoomies or not ?

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My set-up is a 1240 # FED, 358 Chv 14.2:1 comp -8 Alum Hds Inj Alcohol.
Would like to run Zoomies but I know there is more to it than just bolting a set on.
Have done some research but really cannot find the whole story.
The big question .....
When are Zoomies better or equal to collector headers ?
What should be done to the engine set-up to properly run Zoomies ?
Is there a better cam profile for Zoomies ?

Obviously the cool factor is High ! But if it's a performance reduction for my set-up then I'm staying with collector headers (for now)

Some classes specify "No collector headers"
Some tracks require mufflers, hard to do with zoomies
Balence the weight difference between the two and power advange evens out
Whose to say that an off the shelf set of C-H is right for your combination
Zoomies work better for blown application
The only set-up is to make a set of covers to keep rocks from gitting into the exhaust ports
Cams dont care if you run zoomies or not. If they did, every cam maker would have cams listed for zoomies

Nightmare AA/FA:
Zoomies just look bitchin too.....

In our little organization mechanical fuel injection and zoomies are encouraged. Most of our cars run both. In my opinion,collector headers and/or carb/scoop combinations don't fit a "Nostalgia" build. There are advantages to the zoomies . Give them a try.

I have run them both and would have to say that in an injected small block like yours that the collector header is going to be quicker .I have never done an A to B to A test so I cant say for sure witch one is better but I have always run quicker with the collector!Running collector headers is really nothing new. we ran them back in the 70's on my dragster . If you decide to build or buy a set of zoomies there is a member on here Teds Fabrication who can bend you some nice tubes . Don't go crazy on your tube size 1 7/8 to 2 inch should be good . Bill 


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