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My friend's RED got front-halved, on the track!

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Hey Pete, welcome to the Front Engine Dragsters Forum! It's a privilege having you here. A bunch of friendly and knowledgeable drag racers.

--- Quote from: ricardo1967 on October 02, 2014, 09:52:20 AM ---Hi Guys, thanks a lot for all the input, much appreciated.

I was actually hoping you guys would say this would cost thousands of $'s, so it would be easier to convince my friend to start looking for a FED instead  ;)

As a starter, I'm convincing him to join this selected forum.

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I got the first part done, now I need the forum help with the second part.  ;D ;D ;D

PS.: Just love your Camaro. It would make a great avatar.

Question for Keith. Given where this is broken by the welded uprights and I assume it's a Chrome Molly chassis is that likely to be caused at least  in part by hydrogen embrittlement when welding? We never gave chassis support 2 seconds thought back in the old days with locked up torsion bar front ends on our goat track Aussie roads in the 1970's & '80's.

Totally T:
Welcome aboard.

We have ran there off and on for years. I can remember going there in the late 80's and it hasn't changed a bit.

Need to address why it you run a bladder under it while transporting?

if this will work....heres my old digger running a index race there years ago. Semi final win here but went down in the finals on a break out pass.


--- Quote from: retroboy on October 08, 2014, 01:35:34 AM ---Question for Keith. Given where this is broken by the welded uprights and I assume it's a Chrome Molly chassis is that likely to be caused at least  in part by hydrogen embrittlement when welding? We never gave chassis support 2 seconds thought back in the old days with locked up torsion bar front ends on our goat track Aussie roads in the 1970's & '80's.

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Probably not hydrogen embrittlement but maybe a weld that was a little too hot. One of my friends had the entire front end fall off his A/D when it broke at the point where the front wishbones were welded on. It was a lightweight car with "O too thin" tubing but the principle is the same. Even though the front end does not carry much weight there is plenty of leverage factor with it being so far out and when the car starts to bounce (on the track or in the trailer) the load gets magnified.



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