Classifieds (Please No Dealers) > Wanted to buy

Blower for SBC

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I'm thinking of putting a supercharger on my SBC. A 6-71 should do what I want. Doesn't have to be state of the art but I would like it stripped. Would also need an intake with water ports and a drive setup. I should be all set with a hat and fuel system. Send me PM if you have something to look at. Thanks.

Sounds like another Steve convert?

Stay away from anything tricker than a simple sealed and stripped 6-71, Standard openings top and bottom work fine, all the fuel run thru the hat  only.  Set back manifolds are a waste and expensive. This setup is what I currently run and always in the top 5 of qualy running 7.0pro. Your biggest issue is the crank snout not being stout enough

Crank snout should be ok with a mild 6 71 I would think.

Just don't overdrive it a lot.

I'm running a 8 71 on a Pontiac snout with no problems yet.

A stock snout can work, but you will have to purchase a front hub from ATI that is for a SBC snout but the OD is is the larger BBC.  There is not enough material from the keyway to the SBC hub seal surface and will split the hub along the keyway and roll the key out of the crank(junking the crank), and the whole mess tears up the front cover. Glenn, I have seen this happen with running underdrive also.


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