Technical > Matt Shaff's Engine Shop

hemi racers?


I'll try to keep this short. While doing some looking for power investigatiing any thing. I noticed that the intake valve all b u drags against the eyebrow cut on top of cylinders. Close enough that .002 feeler gauge will stop velve from closing. Now this is with no gasket which would give little more clearance.First thing was hey unshroud and pickup few ponies. Then light went off. Wonder if this caused issue when we ran alky class'. HAd quite a few unexplained blower bangs including splitting one whipple in half at Rockingham.

Pretty standard setup.4,250 bore with BAE fuel style heads with 2.375 valve. GAskets from .030 to .090 depending on piston and desired compression. 13.2 with .03.Now the thicker the gasket the more clearance you get also about .25 drop in compression per .010 gasket. My question is have any of you that run hemi ever observed,had trouble with similar thing.


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