Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters

dragster weight

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 Well I went to weight the dragster yesterday. Simple right, trailer it over to the weight scales at the corner truck stop, push the car up onto the scales and get the weight. Wrong, so I had to take the truck, trailer and car over the scales, Then go unload the car, and go over the scales again, Subtract the second weight from the first, gives the dragster weight. Anyway, my WORM dragster with a small block Chev, powerglide, ready to race minus me and 2 gallons of methanol, 1220 lbs. Lighter than I thought.

Not bad should get you in close to 1400.One thing folks never seem to understand about fed's they are lite.Average 4 link dragster 2000 lbs race ready.  600 lbs is a bunch of et.Not to mention you can run same number wiht lot less power.

 Now what does she run?

  I haven't had it out yet. I did have it running, and tried the transmission while up on stands. I will have to wait until next spring I guess. I am trying to finish my other car this year also.

Roger, any finished photos?

 Ok a few pictures of the car as it is today. I also included a few pictures of the other project,as soon as I resize them,so they will upload


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