Technical > Roo Man's Room

Fitting Leak

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--- Quote from: wideopen231 on September 29, 2014, 05:29:50 AM ---Now you know why you normally wait to buy best. 

Another reason I don't have cooling . One richening valve and close off part of bypass and temp guage will drop.less things to leak and less weight.

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         Chris when you do that wouldn't it tend to milk the oil ?

don't have to get stupid with it. If system is set to run with correct mixture.You can split return into two seperate jets that total same flow as the one you normally run.Have a normally open valve in line of the smallest of the two. Will take few calculations. I normally have one thats equal to .015 to .02 change in the main that I use. This way when you close it the system is just basically .015 or so rich. Its enough to cool the motor some but not so much as to make it excessive rich. At end of day heat motor up to around 200 or so using shut off to build heat.Shut it down and open vc vent or something to let fumes out. Having vac pump may make this not needed. Using Brad Penn oil. You may have to change a little sooner if your trying to run half of season on one oil fill but is not going to milk oil in one or two weekends.
Jetting example.Normal 130 is equal to 120and 40  or very close.I close of the 40.Normal 130 around 3.78 gpm( figures from chart using 150 psi that I got from Ol Ralph Gorr 25 years ago) and 120 3.41 so Im .3gpm rich. Each system as always is little different depending on pressure and total flow for pump and whats needed for engine. This is just one example we have run using 80A 6.8 gpm pump.

I have run systems like this for years and never had issue. Well except for being told I could not do what I was doing. Like I said system needs to be in good tune.If running too fat it will milk oil.If running too lean it will have hard time over coming combustion chamber heat from the run. Most of the time I don't need it for long period.

 As most who have much of anything I post I don't have problem experimenting and working on car like its pro class car.As matter of fact I love that part.

Sorry should have sent PM did not mean to hi jack thread. Back to the regular programing.


--- Quote from: wideopen231 on September 29, 2014, 06:34:15 PM ---Sorry should have sent PM did not mean to hi jack thread. Back to the regular programing.

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Even if the thread gets diverted a little it is still info that is better out there where everyone can see it rather than filed away in PM's.



--- Quote from: rooman on September 30, 2014, 05:21:20 AM ---
--- Quote from: wideopen231 on September 29, 2014, 06:34:15 PM ---Sorry should have sent PM did not mean to hi jack thread. Back to the regular programing.

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Even if the thread gets diverted a little it is still info that is better out there where everyone can see it rather than filed away in PM's.


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