Technical > Roo Man's Room

Fitting Leak

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I have a couple fitting on my hose to my radiator.  The upper fitting are fine,but lower leak. I have tried everything,but nothing works. They are a Jeg's house brand # 16 fittings. Here are a couple pictures and shows were they are leaking. They are leaking between the nut and were the fitting bends into the nut. I have not run in to this on major brands,but thought I would try these ( cheaper ). Any opinion ?

Expensive engine --  cheap fittings , not a good combo, and now you have to buy new ones, no money savings there.

  If it was just at the nut and fitting you can buy AN sealing washers, I carry a selection in the tool box just in case. Could be just Chinese crap for their cheapline stuff, call Jegs and complain as they have a good return policy.

I know,but these are house brand from Jeg's. I just thought they would be ok, but I guess not. Paid $25 each and the good stuff would have cost $50 each. I called Jeg's and they said to send back and they would replace.I always get the best for my car and if I can not afford it,I wait until I can. Just this time I did not.

I like these

You can get them from Midwest Proformance hardware

Now you know why you normally wait to buy best. 

Another reason I don't have cooling . One richening valve and close off part of bypass and temp guage will drop.less things to leak and less weight.


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