Technical > Roo Man's Room

tig welding question


Sometimes when I weld alluminum my welds have a frosty look to them . Mosty on an inside corner . The welds look fine just not shiney?

Has it always done that or did it just start?  last time you serviced and adj the points?

Some times it welds perfectly nice shiny beads . It is an older Miller ac dc machine with a high frequency adaptor . It has an adjustment for high frequency and I am not sure where this should be set . I do not do a lot of Tig welding so it could just be me . Thanks Bill 

yea those old guy shakes are rough I hear. 

Ok seriuosly the older machines can not match the quality of weld you get from newer one at least not with me welding with  them.  I regret using a freiend new pulse welder a cpl years ago.Laid down perfect weld first shot with it.Now dying to get one.


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