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WANTED!:Nostalgia Drag Cars to display at 2 great events-FREE-2015

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Yes Free...Nostalgia Drag Car owners To Display (non-Race) at two great 2015 events..."Gasoline Alley" -part of Arties Party at the Syracuse Nationals -AND- the 7th annual Dover Drag Strip Nostalgia Drags at Lebanon Valley. At Syracuse, it's an inside the "Dover Drags" -outside for two days (Race IF you choose),if you race you'll be in the pits , not at static display area.and have to pay to race($35.per day) ,. READ the Fine Print ...plenty of 'perks' and NO fees-registration . . . . 'Honoring those that have saved-preserved or restored the great cars of Drag Racing' on following link to print the info flyer.


Click on this link ..
.....takes you to Our Forum Event heading page with some interesting sub topics...yeah ,I know ...early But never too soon to 'plan ahead".More updates as we get them-right here at this topic.


--- Quote from: dinotheweirdo on September 22, 2014, 07:51:40 AM ---Yes Free...Nostalgia Drag Car owners To Display (non-Race) at two great 2015 events..."Gasoline Alley" -part of Arties Party at the Syracuse Nationals -AND- the 7th annual Dover Drag Strip Nostalgia Drags at Lebanon Valley. At Syracuse, it's an inside the "Dover Drags" -outside for two days (Race IF you choose),if you race you'll be in the pits , not at static display area.and have to pay to race($35.per day) ,. READ the Fine Print ...plenty of 'perks' and NO fees-registration . . . . 'Honoring those that have saved-preserved or restored the great cars of Drag Racing' on following link to print the info flyer.


Click on this link ..
.....takes you to Our Forum Event heading page with some interesting sub topics...yeah ,I know ...early But never too soon to 'plan ahead".More updates as we get them-right here at this topic.

--- End quote ---

I would be interested, in Syracuse, so long as it did not interfere with racing. NDRL (not out yet) and Empire Gold Cup July 24th, 25th, and 26th.

Also would you be able to find a place for a pile of Forum Business cards?

Glenn...Without Question..."Place For Cards"...I'll have My Dover Goodie Booth at Syracuse AND I run the Dover Drags. Better Yet...A promo flyer telling all about the Site -We'll get to Every Racer at our Race and blow them all over Syracuse. IF You guys brought a 'couple of cars to each event'...set up a booth-display and "Spread the good news" ....We can be very Flexible at Both to 'help' each other out!. I'm helping Artie this year at Syracuse...liked the format so much...I'm doing at our event too.

Of note: last year just weeks before Our Race at Lebanon...Empire pulled a fast one and posted a $$ "GOLD CUP RACE" the same weekend as us. Had the crew from Gasser racing series loaded and ready to run ours with reserved parking and the VIP treatment. Once we get our firm date For Lebanon ..." I WILL BE CALLING THEM".Hope they don't pull that again...Oh-...whats with Lancaster closing?


--- Quote from: dinotheweirdo on September 22, 2014, 09:43:56 AM ---Glenn...Without Question..."Place For Cards"...I'll have My Dover Goodie Booth at Syracuse AND I run the Dover Drags. Better Yet...A promo flyer telling all about the Site -We'll get to Every Racer at our Race and blow them all over Syracuse. IF You guys brought a 'couple of cars to each event'...set up a booth-display and "Spread the good news" ....We can be very Flexible at Both to 'help' each other out!. I'm helping Artie this year at Syracuse...liked the format so much...I'm doing at our event too.

Of note: last year just weeks before Our Race at Lebanon...Empire pulled a fast one and posted a $$ "GOLD CUP RACE" the same weekend as us. Had the crew from Gasser racing series loaded and ready to run ours with reserved parking and the VIP treatment. Once we get our firm date For Lebanon ..." I WILL BE CALLING THEM".Hope they don't pull that again...Oh-...whats with Lancaster closing?

--- End quote ---

Empire was late posting the Gold Cup dates this year, but have posted them for next year already.

I knew Lancaster was for sale, but had not heard that it was closing, it should as the track is not safe (to short and bumpy).

Below is the display I set up at the Dome show here back in 2011. I believe I can get all the pieces back together. Note video show of the build in the lower right corner. I was just thinking of getting rid of the stations. I do still have the Christmas tree, I gave away the Sun machine but I think I can borrow it back (it works), the model is available.

Nice display Glenn


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