Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters
Parachute Maintenance
recently i purchased two used Stroud chutes,they are in good shape but could use a good cleaning, what is the best method to use. thanks, Bob George
I always washed mine in large bucket with dish washing liquid and water,rinse cpl times and hang out to dry. I know guys who washed them in machine and only problem was upset wife. Not as much as mine when I heat heads in oven to install new guides.LOL
take the pilot off, gental machine , warm water, spin dry (no heat) then hang.
The most important thing is tying the shroud lines so they dont become tangled. Zip tie close to the chute and every 10" or one can do an electricians knot and zip tie the base
Nightmare AA/FA:
If you don't want to piss off the wife take the chutes to your local Laundromat and use the large machine.
And remember, a little baby powder goes a long way on a chute, no need to use the whole can! (I've seen it done, quite a sight when the chute pops)!
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