Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters

What is the perfect Front to Back weight ratio?

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Not to hijack thread.  If you feel you can move some weight back,say front end is not picking up at all. How much effect would it have moving weight more to middle say in front of motor.Not added weight but say fire bottle. I have two 5 lb bottles going on car one engine and one yours truely. Not required for what I am doing. Have bracket made so its can be moved a mounted easy,cable is issue. If I moved both back removing 10# front and adding to middle.Would it have less effect on chassis  working than moving to rear? Hopefully understandable.

If you are not picking up the front, moving the bottles back but still in front of the engine is not going to be enough. Removeing them or placing them behind the tires is the only thing that will give you measurable difference.

Get a long 2x4 equal to the wheelbase and put one end on a stand and the other on a bathroom scale,zero the scale and, mark the areas that the bottle will fit and start at where it is now  and move back and record changes in weight. all you are looking for is the weight difference from baseline.What you want to read is say total of 15#(bottle and contents),move back 2' and it might read 13# for a total of 2# weight loss by moving it back, Double that figure for 2 bottles in the same spot

Bruce the 2 x 4 is a great idea i'm going to borrow it and see if it works on a idea i been working on for to long
thanks for yours thoughts
hotrod 316
steve morgan


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