Author Topic: Das Auto Gasser build . Slant Six VW bug  (Read 91320 times)

Offline GlennLever

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Re: Das Auto Gasser build . Slant Six VW bug
« Reply #105 on: June 07, 2014, 08:19:55 PM »
I try to accomplish something everyday however yesterday was our 44th anniversary so I knew better then to stay home and work on it. However I made up for lost time today. As some of you know I had to make the centre section of the front end as it was completely missing. Getting the rough fenders to fit smoothly to the new piece was my project for today.  It was a success. I am doing all the rough body work( ie repairs) first before I start the finish work. I also made and installed the steering wheel adapter and the wheel. And I purchased the steel to make the new steering arms. I have to lay out the Ackerman then transfer it to the new arms. Experience has taught me that even though in a straight line it is unimportant the ease of driving loading turning around the pits and staging lanes with a car with good Ackerman will bring a smile to even the most cold hearted builder. No tire scrubbing, no fighting the wheel , no bending or twisting parts.  The photo is of my work today on the lower fender body seams despite the fact you cant see it they come apart and are not welded to the body. Before painting I will install the normal VW welting in the seam. don

Why not weld up the body and smooth the seams?
Glenn R. Lever
Rochester, New York 14617-2012
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Offline Dolmetsch

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Re: Das Auto Gasser build . Slant Six VW bug
« Reply #106 on: June 08, 2014, 04:39:01 AM »
My heritage wont allow it. Nicht richtig. Besides I found a way to make good seems. I do the rough body work then mount the fender with a piece of Bristol board between. I tighten it up the mix up some kitty hair and give each side a coat being sure to push it well into any of the voids that there are. When I grind it of using a flap wheel I wind up with a nearly perfect seem. I then give it a coat of regular filler and flap wheel that off as well. That brings is ready for the normal sand and paint body work so I leave it at this point for later.   I realized I have now been working on this over a year. That is fine because I am still enjoying it. I may enter it in the Ameliasburgh Car show unfinished section. The Jeep altered I built won a big prize last year although since I had sold it and am no longer connected with it that was unknown to most that I had designed and built it. I did however get a smile out of it. It won Peoples Choice. The guy who showed it was quite embarrased. When they called his name I congratulated him on winning thinking it was for his dragster. Shh he said This was for the Hemi Jeep. I held out  my hand but he didn't fill it with the trophy ;>)
« Last Edit: June 08, 2014, 04:40:57 AM by Dolmetsch »
SR Dragster, because old people need to have fun too!

Offline GlennLever

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Re: Das Auto Gasser build . Slant Six VW bug
« Reply #107 on: June 08, 2014, 04:58:52 AM »
Did he sake your hand?
Glenn R. Lever
Rochester, New York 14617-2012
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Offline Dolmetsch

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Re: Das Auto Gasser build . Slant Six VW bug
« Reply #108 on: June 08, 2014, 06:30:12 AM »
Not that I remember. I was out for my morning stroll down the hill and back up. I popped in the shop for a moment thinking of what you said. I may look into welding the rear fenders on instead of bolting them. It would solve a lot of issues I will have with them and the car realistically can never be  show Q anyway as it was too far gone.
Here is the Jeep I did. Some of you will recognize the fellow posing with it. My friend Bob B. 
SR Dragster, because old people need to have fun too!

Offline Dolmetsch

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Re: Das Auto Gasser build . Slant Six VW bug
« Reply #109 on: June 09, 2014, 04:58:38 PM »
Started making the steering arms today. Started with a length of 2 1/2 X3/8 angle iron. I had to cut away a lot of metal and still have much more to do.  Never the less it has to be done if I want it to steer properly.
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Offline Dolmetsch

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Re: Das Auto Gasser build . Slant Six VW bug
« Reply #110 on: October 07, 2014, 10:06:15 AM »
Still very sore but bored stiff I went to the shop today and began working on the distributor for Das Auto's slant six.  The motor is already done awaiting install but I may as well do this and install it as it will be hard to reach afterwards. I shorten the curve slot by 1/3 which allows me more initial but less total advance which is what these engines love. Spent about 1/2 hour working at my bench then welding up the slot. That was enough for today but progress none the less.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2014, 10:07:52 AM by Dolmetsch »
SR Dragster, because old people need to have fun too!

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Re: Das Auto Gasser build . Slant Six VW bug
« Reply #111 on: October 13, 2014, 08:57:59 AM »
I am poking away at the gasser as I recover. Motor and dist are done. I have also been going through some of my old stuff from the sr dragster. I found two old videos from the first day I ran it. I don't know who took them and they are not great but made me grin again. They are FLV format and I don't know how to convert them for current use but this laptop will play them under protest. The first two years I ran it with 6 snowmobile carbs and it worked quite well. However I had to prime to fire just like fuel injection as I had removed the chokes. Often when I needed a prime my crew would be off visiting and I would have to undo and climb out squirt then get back in so I took them off BUTwhen I saw Glenn's setup for priming his injection I realized I could do that easily as well. In fact three of the carbs have hose nipples on the base and would do a fine job priming. Once it kicks it takes care of itself. Three carbs was all I ever squirted anyway. And so today I decided to install the six tillotsons on the gasser providing there is enough room. An IR setup has some very distinct low rpm advantages as there is no inter cyl fuel dilution  and so low RPM idle and response is exceptional. Much better then a 4bbl or tunnel ram. I dug through my spare parts box and discovered I still had the first fuel pump I used with this setup. In fact it was the whole motivation behind the slant six project in the first place. I had wanted to try the six snowmobile carbs. It was on my bucket list. Hopefully since I drained them well they will not need any work even though they have been hanging up for about 5 or 6 years. I am starting to get excited! Here we go AGAIN!
« Last Edit: October 13, 2014, 09:01:55 AM by Dolmetsch »
SR Dragster, because old people need to have fun too!

Offline Dolmetsch

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Re: Das Auto Gasser build . Slant Six VW bug
« Reply #112 on: October 15, 2014, 01:34:10 PM »
I found TDC and installed the distributor then found a fuel pump gasket and installed the stock fuel pump I used with the six Tillotsons.
Little trick for finding TDC comp.
First always write your engines firing order on the shop wall and write it with the split.
So you know what cylinder is on the opposite stroke.
For me with the six
so if 1 is on comp then 6 is on overlap.
To find which one is on comp, put a hose snuggly in the spark plug holes 1, then 6 and blow in each one. One will have no resistance and one will build pressure and that one is the one on compression. Crude, simplistic? Sure. Effective? Absolutley!
SR Dragster, because old people need to have fun too!