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Picton Airfield Fall Race Sept 20

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Today I begin checking over the car for Saturday and the Picton Airfield Armdrop Drags. Weather report is good. Three of us FED pilots had a chinwag on my porch last night right into suppertime. Apparently there is a few coming from down east Ottawa too. Ours are old school. Their's are more early seventies style and hi $$$$$$$ but we all have fun. Hard to say which part is more fun. Racing or shooting the breeze in the shade. It is a great venu. You just run when you want who you want and come up paired. They are very good about us realizing we can't start move and restart or sit there running waiting and we are too old to push so we roll up and they let us run immediately. They keep a "hot lane"
for us  with a fellow (Jake)tending it at all time. Bob Beazer is right there too most of the time. He has spent so much time around a starting line since the 1960s that he is a real asset when a new driver car combo shows up and knows exactly what to do how to calm them down and what to say. He goes to races all over the USA and Canada still but has been known to fly home for two days just to attend these. Since there are only a couple dozen of us so called hot cars or so we try not to abuse the privilege  and don't make a nuisance of ourselves but run enough to have fun but not so much other don't get a chance. Typically there will be over 600 passes made between 11 Am and 6 PM. You are staging while the last run clears the traps. Lots of vintage stuff of every description. New stuff as well.
I am hoping for a good solid pass and my fuel delivery problem at the very top of first will be gone.

Good luck

You may be able to hear my scream as I cross the finish line way down there!

Good Luck

Don do mean this guy !


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