That is why there are fights at a racetrack--if I lost a round to those kinds of actions I would be in butt whipping mode--crude but it works to prevent future problems with that racer-- and if the track lets any racer stage like that -- well then all the better that you are not to attend there again any time soon.
I embrace the entire "nostalgia" package 
You are agreeing or disagreeing with staging etiquette?
I try and present an unflappable appearance, I will take what ever you give me and run my race.
Glenn I am on your side--if the guy stage backwards on purpose to gain an illegal advantage he is an
A#@H*&^ and deserves a word behind the trailer to correct his abuse.
Really the track should have put you in next round and tossed him out. Rules say you must stage in forward motion--everone should know that--if he did not know it --he should remember well after having a round taken away
Tracks are SLACK when it comes to things like these--just ask all the footbrake guys that get slaughtered every week by cars that are illegal and NEVER teched and checked and tossed out
I am doing the FED thing for fun so these type issues don't bother me like they used to when we bracket raced 3 days a week