Technical > Spud Miller's Cave
Oils and Methanol
That's all well and good but I can't get it here so given that are synthetics compatible with Methanol in an injected engine?
Totally T:
ive been told no....can you get Rotella 15/40??
--- Quote from: retroboy on August 23, 2014, 03:25:35 AM ---That's all well and good but I can't get it here so given that are synthetics compatible with Methanol in an injected engine?
--- End quote ---
Total Matching Results (up to 100 matches): 1
Motorsport Connections PTY, LTD
Unit 15, 4a Foundry Rd
Seven Hills, Sydney NSW 2147
Mr. Travis Liefting/Mr. Mark Hinchelwood
JrFuel Hayden:
My race oil supplier says we should NOT use a full synthetic oil in a methanol race engine, because synthetic oil and methanol are ester based products and the alky will dilute the oil too much. I use Motul 6100 10w40 synthetic blend oil in my 10,000 rpm NA SBC for 8 or 9 years. After replacing my alum rods when I got to 80 runs, the bearings looked so good I just put back on the rods. Hey I'm not that cheap, rod bearing don't cost that much, but the bearings looked good, and were all broke in. We also run 60 to 65 lbs of oil pressure. I use 6100 15w50 in my Hemi, different clearances. Motul has additives that help anti-forming, anti-milking, besides lubing the high RPM motor. If you have trouble finding Motul car oil [ most MC shops carry Motul] call Motul at 909-625-1292 for a dealer near you.
When I first started helping my current race car partner, he was not happy with the look of his bearings. Also I had not raced powerglides before only clutches so I bought a RacePak computer to understand what was going on with the FED. We found that the Titan oil pump had to adjusted down because the computer showed we were at 120 lbs. The bearings looked allot better at 55 to 65 lbs.
BTW we have never hurt any of my motors in 12 years of racing 7.00's 188 mph racing because of oil issues. We only hurt stuff because the trans broke and both times the motor went to 12,000 rpm.
Have Fun with your race car.
Jon Hansen, Hayden Wheels, 805-444-4489
Really like the Bad Penn . My oil has never looked so good !
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