Technical > Matt Shaff's Engine Shop
Isky red zone lifters
I think that's the way I am going to go . I still have some problems that I have to address . The Isky's have an .850 roller and the Jessel's that I ran before were a .785 wheel so now I have to change cam's If I use too big of a base circle of a cam it hits the rods . Going to call Bullet this week and see if we can work this out.
I got a pair of Iskys with custom .750 wheels. They are prototypes. I looked at the difference in cam timing using a .750 wheel Isky verses a .850 wheel Jesel on the same cam. Duration measured at .013" lifter lift is 2 crank degrees more using the .850 wheel. Duration measured at .050" lifter lift looked to be the same between the two wheels. Total lift is the same. There is slightly more "area under the curve" with the bigger wheel. I'm a bit nervous about the Iskys during start up with high seat pressure (>400).
Bill, Did you end up going with the Isky's?
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