Technical > Roo Man's Room

Maytag steering box??

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I've heard this and want to fact check with you guys, just for curiosity (I'm not taking this route):

Is it true that early dragsters (50's or 60's?) used steering boxex adapted from a gear reduction box off Maytag washing machines??

The first real purpose built box was the P & S and to my knowledge is was based off a fork lift unit that was popular at the time--I was still on the bottom side of the planet then and a bit remote from the happenings here.


I had a RCS car with a box that had worm and spur gears in it ,so there was no lock to lock built into the box and only the spindles controlled that aspect. so it is possable since that is the way most PTO's are made

Thank you Keith and Bruce!

The forklift unit referred to, I believe, is a Ross, which is what mine has, built circa 1965.


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