Technical > Spud Miller's Cave

buzz box help


can you use a volt meter on oms as a buzz box to set the timing on a mag, or am I missing something in the buzz box? can not get the meter to show when the points are opening, hooked the meter to the orange and yellow wire set the meter on dio checker makes a (buzz) also set on oms and still have a closed circuit
can not fire the monster for the first time without setting the timimg, can I? :o
thanks steve m.
ps yes I move the mag ;)

Spud Miller:

 A magneto has a very low impedance stator winding inside. If the points are closed, the meter will see 0 ohms and depending on what model the magneto is, you  might only see 1 to 3 ohms when they're open. It isn't like a distributor. So, you can't use a typical "continuity tester" type of buzz box easily.

 You could watch the impedance change and see when the points are opening.

 We carry an inductive buzz box that doesn't have this's smart enough to know what's going on and indicated OPEN and CLOSED on the front.

 Definitely, better set it before firing...



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