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bench racing time what will it make

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Hemi have high flow numbers compared to BBC stuff and air is king when making power,.example AJPE2 heads will flow 152@ 200,214@300,295@400,364@500.440@.600,494@700,519@.800 and534@900.Ok my motr will not need that last number.Thats intak with 2.400 valve. I was told by three different dyno guys they use 2.2 to 2.4 times flow to give them idea of what to expect from a motor. They all swear its always been real close. Given that  the computer on my 526 is closer than what I would figure.

Bill ,
For grinns and giggles if you have info on your sons motor I would like to run it thru desktop dyno and see how close it comes. Bore,stroke compression,induction style and flow,cam specs o/c Intake and exhaust and most important flow numbers for heads.  Stan Wiess has web site giving flow rates of lots of heads if you do not have yours.Yours would be more accurate as they never flow exactly the same. I have run lots of combo's with all the right input it gives me a number + or - 3%. most of the time. I am actually amzed that anyone can right a program that works this well with 100,000's of changes that can be made.

  Same offer for anyone else that what to try it.If you have real world number to check agains it would be awsome if not then its just fun.

Pipe Dreams:
I' m couriousas to what the programs will sa y about my combo
415 ci small block mopar on alcohol
4.070 bore
4.00  stroke
6.123 rod length
12.8/1 compression
2.10 intake
1.60 exhaust
Heads as cast max  flow  278.8 /182.9 @ .550
                                              277.5/ 185.5@ .600
Dual enderle toilets on a Mopar M1 Tunnel Ram
 Mopar Perf. .590 Flat Tappet Cam 265* duration@ 50,106 lobe seperation

My gestimation is some where in the 650 to 700 range. What do you think?

need all of following info
rod length
 head flow at .200,.300,.400,.500,.600 and .700 ,more if cam bigger
 intake and exhaust valve size
 cam I need open and close numbers IO/IC  and E/O E/C and lift
 intake type
 if carb size
 exhaust style
 I will run with info you gave and try to find a cam close and see if I have any heads of file simular.

Using your info and a cam thats close but off cpl degrees(110) on lobe seperation and guessing 2 toilets has to be good for 2100 cfm,heads 263/193 cfm at .600 lift I came up with 630 hp at 6500 rpm and563 tq at 5000 rpm Now with exact cam and head info I can get closer,well program can. changing flow on toilet did almost nothing so I would guess 2100 is more than enough for engine.

Pipe Dreams:
Thanks for the info. I guess I wasn't that far off then thinking 650 then. We' ll have to see what it does after I  port the heads and put in my new cam.


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