Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters

Helpful advice for first timer?

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I use some stuff called Zoi, think it is spelled right. I use it on my visor and both sides of my glasses and fogging has not been a problem.

Totally T:
I agree with the others....only go with what you can still feel comfortable with. Learning to look around the injector will get easier and you will start using the horizon more to help.

As far as the fogging it happens to both glasses and visors. I used to use shaving cream on my visors and it will work on glasses too. All the circle trackers here used to do it. In the age of anti-fogging lenses, I have not had to use it for years.

I have also heard about using a fresh air source plumbed in to the helmet helps the visors...could possibly help with glasses.

Its all about how comfortable you are. I went 7.93 on my second hit during lic. runs. but I worked on the car for a few years and knew all about it before driving. You will be surprised how fast comfort comes. Fastest I ever went before fed was 10.50's in a door car and now 7.90's are not fast enough. As long as you are having fun, that's all that matters! Good luck and remember if you see the 1/8th mile marker on you first burnout it was long enough. lol I got a little excited the first wack of the throttle.

Tim Jones:
Looks like you've gotten plenty of great advice, So Have fun and have somebody take pics,,  Tim Jones

Thanks for all the advice.  I picked up some anti fog stuff at the store, I'll try it out this afternoon when it gets hot out.  I'll definitely be keeping the visor open as much as possible, though.

I'll let you know how it goes.

thanks again!



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