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Aluminum rod lifespan.

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Totally T:
What is the cycle life of a 6" MGP aluminum rod.

SBC injected (alky only)
7400 rpm max


--- Quote from: Totally T on August 03, 2014, 08:11:16 PM ---What is the cycle life of a 6" MGP aluminum rod.

SBC injected (alky only)
7400 rpm max

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I'm interested in this also. I have been told that I should replace after a season.

JrFuel Hayden:
I replace my MGP rods after 70-75 full runs in my 9500 to 10,000 rpm 16:1 compression, all iron SBC alky JF motor. But if I have 60 runs on them by the end of season, when I have the off season to freshen it up, then of course I replace them. I have sold some of my 60 run rods to racers that only run 7500 rpm, and they have used them up to 120 runs, counting my 60.
Count your runs and call the rod manufacture with your engine combo, bore, stroke, RPM range, fuel type, blower, no blower, etc.
I guess you could use the "replace at end of season" plan if you are lucky to race 70+ hard runs in a season.

Jon Hansen, Jrfuel, Hayden Wheels, and JrFuelDragsterAssociation


--- Quote from: JrFuel Hayden on August 04, 2014, 12:19:59 AM ---I replace my MGP rods after 70-75 full runs in my 9500 to 10,000 rpm 16:1 compression, all iron SBC alky JF motor. But if I have 60 runs on them by the end of season, when I have the off season to freshen it up, then of course I replace them. I have sold some of my 60 run rods to racers that only run 7500 rpm, and they have used them up to 120 runs, counting my 60.
Count your runs and call the rod manufacture with your engine combo, bore, stroke, RPM range, fuel type, blower, no blower, etc.
I guess you could use the "replace at end of season" plan if you are lucky to race 70+ hard runs in a season.

Jon Hansen, Jrfuel, Hayden Wheels, and JrFuelDragsterAssociation

--- End quote ---

I have cut way back on the number of races I go to, This year will be 6 races, Went on the first round at Bowling Green HRR, but have gone rounds, and expect to continue to do so for the rest of the season (42 runs?) Top end RPM is 6700, 813 HP

Yea the rpm you run has HUGE effect on number of runs.Most of the time its rod bolts that are issue more than rods. Some of the bracket guys mostly BBC have told me thet get 500 runs out of a set,turning 7500 range for the most part. Thats pushing it in my opion. I would have no issues running them 200 runs if rpm stayed below 8000 for most of the runs. Now uif spinning it I would say 100 and change.When you consider what they destroy on the way out its not worth pushing them to the limit.How do you know limit ,that one run before they came out.


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