Classifieds (Please No Dealers) > Wanted to buy

SBC Zoomies

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I have flanges and 2" bends and can build them for you new for $325, You just need to figure out a way to get them. I will be at the CHRR in Oct

thanks Guys, looks like Ted can hook us up. 

we have ted's, 3 years old, still good

Just finnished building a set   $325   7 bolt flange and 2" tubes

veiw on my Facebook(Bruce Dyda) page because my cameras pics are too large for this site


--- Quote from: dreracecar on September 08, 2014, 09:33:05 AM ---Just finnished building a set   $325   7 bolt flange and 2" tubes

veiw on my Facebook(Bruce Dyda) page because my cameras pics are too large for this site

--- End quote ---

Hey Bruce... just in case, here's an quick/easy method to downsize picture files... (works with Windows operating system with most email programs):

Right-click on the picture file, an option menu pops up, then click on "Send to", chose "Mail recipient", then an option to resize the picture shows up, choose Medium or Large, then complete the process of emailing the picture file, to yourself. Then upload the picture you received to a picture sharing website like Photobucket.

I hope it helps.


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