Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters

Engine oil recycle / Tire recommedation

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Totally T - oil filtering system not efficient design to start with on V8 ford fh.  A few out there have said running the stock oil filter is like not running one at all.  There’s a cavity cast in back of the block that oil is pumped into and then routed out (to front two mains, 3 cam bearings and timing gears/distributor, plus to rear main and fuel pump pushrod).  Stock tappets receive oil from crankshaft slinging it around.  No oil going upstairs like a pushrod engine.  If this cavity could be modified, adding a 100 percent oil filtering system would be less challenging.     

Majority of “drag race only” V8 ford fh engines I’ve seen run no oil filter.  I used 4 quarts (oil pan capacity) and no oil filter same as K.  He/she who selects this engine needs to be clever to have 100 percent oil filtered with how oil cavity operates, or be okay with partial filtering, or think of another solution… (i.e. no filter and change oil often/inspect)  I’ve seen external oil pump setup, then easy to add oil filter for 100 percent filtering.  DF

p.s. K, hope okay to interject, couldn’t resist adding comment for ford block, I know yours a french block "with improvements" which may prompt other reasons too : )

Thanks DF, good explenation:) The French is mostly the same as the US Version. To make 100% filtering, one need to modify the Stock pump With and blank off some of the Stock passages. As you say we can also do external solution, and drysump would bee the Choice. But I don't like the idea on having more external lines and hoses. the vibrations on a dragster causes Things to come loose and breake more easy, and With a drysump, one will need another drive for it, don't want have another belt;) And it does not look vintage, just ugly;)
I have plugged the fuelpump pushrod hole, and we have great pressure, 40-50 psi on idle, and 100 psi on full throttle:) 8 quarts in the pan.
As you say, this is to be on the safe side. We have run this the last couple of years and, knock on Wood, no sign of exsessive vear:)

And Jon, the local supplier was out of the 3.00x19 Avon's, but he said they will get moore next season. So I whent on the web and found a supplier here in europe, that had them, approx. $200 for a pair, shipped delivered on my door:) Have also found another website that sells stuff for motorcycles. They even had ribbed 2.75x19, but the  brand was unknown for me. I'm checking if they have a serious business:)


Got my new Avon 3.00x19" Friday:) Have also located 2.75x19" budget tires(ribbed). But has no speed rating;/
So Jon, check out these sites;

Let me know what you think;)



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