Technical > Spud Miller's Cave

nozzle size


just changed heads.Went from .066 pill to .o54 .Do I need to change nozzles? Have #0 pump with Kinsler  code m410 nozzles.{.026 ?} Picked up 1/10 in 1/4mi Seems to run fine,worring about to high of pump pressure. Thanks for help.

Spud Miller:

 What is the highest RPM you achieve on a pass?


Highest rpm 6800. leave at 4800, shift at 6000. P.S. this is on alcohol.

Spud Miller:

 I'm showing you're making nearly 160 PSI at 6800 RPM. For a gear pump (Waterman, Kinsler...) that's no problem really. If it's a traditional Enderle/Hilborn style pump, I'd put bigger nozzles in it.

.028's and a .058 pill instead would be the same tuneup but with 40 PSI less pressure at the stripe.



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