Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters
Strange steering box altered/ dragster
Hi, I didn't want to drill the shaft in the box, so I made a small collar, and installed it onto the steering shaft up against the mount for the steering shaft bearing. The bearing bolts in to the cross tube that supports it bearing.The collar keeps the steering shaft from coming out because it is against the bearing. Look at the picture,(up above the tranny output, right above the bolt ) you can see the collar welded to the steering shaft, keeping it engaged onto the splined input shaft on the steering box.
Hope this helps,
You could also use a split collar (industrial supply place) for the diameter of your steering shaft, if you don't want to weld to your steering shaft.
Strange will sell you just the part you need if repair is in order
Just a note , they stock several different side shaft lengths
I waited months for a Stiletto box finally callled Strange had one in 3 days Glad I did
Excellent unit
FWIW I have a coller on mine same as yours as I experienced same issue--wound up with set screw and the coller behind bearing--will drill it next time I am in there though
I drilled and put a roll pin in mine. Than I took a piece of tubing and slid it over the roll pin so there's no way it could walk out.
I did this sketch to try and better explain how I keep the steering shaft on in my dragster. I feel that by drilling a steering shaft, it weakens it.
As you can see, the steering shaft cant go anywhere because the welded collar, presses against the "bearing tube" that is welded to a plate. This plate is intern bolted to a couple of tabs, welded to the cross tube in the chassis( plate would be on the left side of the mounting plate in this drawing).
To get the steering shaft out, I first unbolt the 2 bolts that hold the :bearing in, then pull the steering shaft towards the back of the car.
You could replace the welded collar with a 2 piece, "split collar" from a industrial supply house. These collars are made to clam on whatever size shaft you buy the collar for.
Hope this helps
I usually drill my parts in the mill using a carbide spotting drill. I slip the coupler on to the spline and clamp the coupler in the vise on the mill. That allows me to center the hole and make sure that it is square with the shaft. As Bruce noted, if you don't get through the hardened surface right away you will make the spot so hard that the only solution would be to EDM the hole or rotate the coupler to a fresh area and start again.
dusterdave, you probably tried to get the Stiletto box while the company was in transition from founder Gary Wood to current owner Stu Spears (Chassis Shop/ ProWerks) as they were in a no stock situation for a while until manufacturing got back up to speed in Michigan. I like the smooth action of the Stiletto box but it is a little bulky--more a visual thing than actual size--not sure why Gary did not profile and radius it a little more.
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