Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters

No racing this season.

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Well the agent orange dragster is done lettered  and running. About a week ago i dislocated my right shoulder which has been repaired once before from a dirt modified crash 20 years ago. So reconstructive surgery on tuesday and a long recovery going to mothball the car until next season. Looking forward to going to the chrr in the fall and the nostalgia drags at englishtown this weekend . should be able to finish my alcohol injected car over the winter.

Hope all goes well with surgery. I am going to etown Sunday.

Sorry to hear that, hope all goes well.

JrFuel Hayden:
I hope your surgery goes very well.
When you come out to Calif for the CHRR, look us up, all orange Jr Fuel.

Jon Hansen, Hayden Wheels, and Jr Fuel Dragster Association

Thanks guys John im really good friends with brian darcy he and I are going out there together, iwent with him to the reunion last year and im hooked for life. Met so many heros last year Art christman  ,the snake ,the mongoose , gene Winfield  ivo, My dad was a hot rod race car guy he would read me hot rod magazines for bed time stories will look you up for sure. Brian loves your equipment .


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