Drag Racing Discussions > Front Engine Dragsters

Sidewinder Flathead FED

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Hello Guys:) Have been busy for a while:) The Sidewinder have been out twice this year With some improvements.
After last years season, we desided to update the pulley system as we wanted to gir for more OD, now we have 52% OD:)
At the same time we raised the CR. to about 9.3:1. The engine sounds very different;) more agressive.
We have managed to set a New PB, 9.89 sec ET and a speed of 211 km/t. On the latest race we got a better 1/8 mile et and higher speed, 5,9 sec and 180 km/t. But on this run we broke the blower axle just after the 1/8th mile.
Everything is fixed now, and got a ETC limiter too. Hope we will get it Down in the mid 9 sec ET's:)?


K – into the 9s with a fh and only one broken part, not accomplished by many... well done!  Breaking something provides opportunity to make it better.  I see mid 9s in your future : )  What prompted selecting 9.3:1 ratio…  DF

Thanks DF:) Yes, knock on Wood, we have fin Lucky so far:) But it has taken a while to get there. We are really hoping to cut about 1/2 sec. by this season;) Here are a couple of videos from the last race. One is really Nice edited, and we have hired him for the Next race:)


K - enjoyed seeing your videos.  I saw "Lightning" in the first one "so very cool" and to top it off, you(?) ending the second long video, I agree, professional done video "1st class"  keep up the good work!  DF 

Nice video thanks for sharing :)


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