Author Topic: Hilborn nozzles convertion  (Read 6302 times)

Offline Sidewinder

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Hilborn nozzles convertion
« on: July 15, 2014, 08:42:56 AM »
Hello Spud:)

Is there a chart converting Hilborn nozzles flow to areal?
I found one chart, but does not show lager nozzles.
I like to know areal size for Hilborn 64A nozzles.


Offline Spud Miller

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Re: Hilborn nozzles convertion
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2014, 08:55:19 AM »

 I'm not aware of a chart for larger nozzle sizes.'s a quick conversion routine to get you close.

 SQ. ROOT (Hilborn nozzle number * 59)


 SQ. ROOT (64 * 59)

 SQ. ROOT (3776)

 =  61.45

 A Hilborn 64 nozzle falls somewhere in the .062" range and that should get you very close if you're doing calculations or something.

 Of course, ultimately it's more important what they flow and the "64" Hilborn number means they flow .64 GPM @ 30 PSI (SG of .792 or methanol).


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Offline Sidewinder

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Re: Hilborn nozzles convertion
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2014, 10:30:52 AM »
Thanks Spud:)

Yes I'm doing some calculations.
I'm starting to getting a good baseline for my 290 cid. Blown Ford Flathead V8 on Alky.
But it has been some runs to get there:/
Here are some facts that I'm curious about;
I use a Hilborn pump 150-1 and 4x64A nozzles in the Hilborn 2-port on top of the unstrapped GMC 4-71.
At the moment we are set up with 52% OD. 44-tooth on top and 67-tooth on the crank, that gives about 22 psi of boost.
Idle bypass with no pill, just shimmed to about 9psi. Main is set up to 4-5 psi with .85 pill.
High speed is 50 psi an a .45 pill. Spark plug reading looks like we still are on the rich side.
The four 64A is something that was suggested by Hilborn.
I have always thought that the total flow or areal is large.

So got a friend in the UK with a blown Flathead on Alky. He runs with just 7psi of boost.
But he got just 2(two) 63A nozzles from Hilborn with the same pump??

Thanks again for your service Spud:)



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Re: Hilborn nozzles convertion
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2014, 11:17:44 AM »
Sorry to keep interupting here,  Why not just switch over to the Enderle style nozzle bodies and replacable nozzles? side benni is that there are no screens to clean or get clogged up