Keep at just like the beaver--one bit at a time
You are doing great!
Let us know when you are ready to fire up--will give you some pointers that will help
Thanks Dave!
Im still waiting for a few parts, but i just got informed that they will be here on saturday, so then im gonna lock myself into the garage and swallow the key

Heads are torqued down. Just waiting for the pushrod retainers before i mount the rocker assembly. Also oilpan gaskets, flexplate, starter and exhaust flanges is in that box. Bolting up the intake and mount mag, fuelsystem etc, and few wires, then im close to starting it.
I might need help regarding wiring. What do i need for the mag? Its a coil of some sort in the car with an rev limiter (i`ll attach some pics later). And a few switches and wires/cables that im not sure whats for....
I dont need an tachometer i think, just setting the rev limiter to 6000 or 6500 for a start. How about other instruments? Oil temp/pressure? Oil lamp? Want to keep it at a basic minimum. Btw; im not going to test its limits at the first race.... just want to "feel" the car a little bit.