Lots of work done today. And i had good help from my sons and two more boys.
We made a huge fire of all the wooden materials.
Its plenty wide enough, i have around 20cm cleareance from the inside of the fenders on each side to the widest point on my dragster.
The "worst" about this thing is that the wheels are in center, and most weight on my car is in the rear. So, i will probably extend the loading surface either forwards or backwards (depends on wich direction i decide to put the car on it). I have do some more measurements before i decide..
I might have to add some weight in the front or back to balance it corectly.
I know a similiar trailer beeing used for a RED, and they put it in on with the rear first, and that works fine for them - so i think im gonna be good.
I took it for a little ride on the farm where im working on it, and its perfect. It even had almost new all-weather tires