Technical > Spud Miller's Cave

scott super slot injector

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Hello, can or does anyone still run a scott.
 I am wanting to use this on a 63-66 era Desoto powered fed.
 It seems it isn't common enough to warrant much press on the net. At least none from a
experienced users perspective. And I have been digging for quite sometime. I am hoping it can be more than just a novelty.
This is my first fed build so all advise welcome. Lots to learn.
 Thanks for all your contributions here.

Paul New:
It looks like it worked pretty good on Mad Max!

Do you have the Scott fuel pump that goes with it???

Spud Miller:

 We've worked on a few of those. You really need the pump and metering valve in order for it to work as intended. You could set it up with a more modern metering valve and nozzle setup though and just enjoy the cool look of that scoop.

 The biggest problem we had working on them was finding seals and things to cure leaks. It's all really old, non-standard stuff.


Thanks for the input guys.
Unfortunately my searches on this injector hasn't turned up much more than
It being used as a mad max movie prop. Not much help for my efforts to learn
how to get it back in use on a fed.
  I did not get the scott pump with it and figure there is little chance of finding one to get it
back to its original configuration. I read somewhere racers would change them for being problematic and has been done to this one also.
 It has been drilled and tapped for 8 nozzles and must have been run with a hilborn
pump sometime along the way.
 Spud, I don't see a place for any seals on this but a gasket between scoop and butterfly base.
The butterfly shaft doesn't even have bushings. Looks to be a 1/2" steel shaft fit right to the
aluminum casting. It does still fit nice with out any apparent wear and may not leak much in this area at all.
 The butterfly's do seem to fit the housing as intended and appear untampered with. They are somewhat crude if I was to compare them to a Holley throttle plate with the ground bevel seal to the bore. (no bevel on this) Even completly closed you can see a little light around them. And slightly more in the corners but I believe this is how it was fit when built. Not sure if this will be a problem as I have no other injector experience to compare this to. They do move bind free just slightly snug
and I believe a drop of oil at each end will take any resistance out of it. This hasn't been used for many decades.
 I don't know enough about what I am looking at when it comes to the nozzles and metering to give
a good decription so I put up some photos after I resize them.
 My intentions are to use this on a cackle project as I don't want to use a updated chassis style.
I appreciate any input and would hope to end with this old part being able to be used in some workable configuration.


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