Technical > Matt Shaff's Engine Shop
Hemi Engines
The Ford got booted because the bore spacing was greater than the other engines and NHRA feared the "If his is big, mine can be too" additude and racers would have to change out complete inventorys. How this ever related to the Nostalgia end of racing is beond me, but the rules makers have never had an abundance smarts either.
Fuel 749 nice long post but you missed it completely. In the N T/F & N F/C , I or anybody can run just about anything = yes even Glenns Pontiac is legal. NHRA set a so called bore space rule at 4.840 This bans the Ford, along with Packards & the 472-500 Cad. Nothing will ever make Cads & Packards competitive, These are the only motors banned. Every part needed to make the Ford Competitive already exists and has for a very long time. I could easily offset bore a Ford block to make it Chevy bore center if that was the issue but NHRA banned that also. It is clearly a no Ford rule. I contacted the All American T/F association, who along with NHRA made these rules, I was told that they would discuss letting the Ford run, later I was told that if I ever made a competitive run & could beat the good ol boys - the Ford would be back out, later I was told flat out no Fords.
--- Quote from: dreracecar on June 25, 2014, 08:21:16 AM ---The Ford got booted because the bore spacing was greater than the other engines and NHRA feared the "If his is big, mine can be too" additude and racers would have to change out complete inventorys. How this ever related to the Nostalgia end of racing is beond me, but the rules makers have never had an abundance smarts either.
--- End quote ---
Yes and all this in a class with a fuel pump restriction that makes the hemi guys run destroked cranks and the small bore sleeves to reduce cubic inches, so the motor has enough fuel. and yes the classes do have a cubic inch limit, this make a large cubic inch capable motor have no advantage.
Nightmare AA/FA:
Keep the Indian!!!!
In fact I was at Van's shop this afternoon and they were tearing down a bitchin GTO headed 400, with 6-71 and a Hilborn injector hat.
Just my opinion.
Might have to, I like different.
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