I put the crank bearing and pistons in the experimental today. Looks like it will work well.
After .008" was cleaned from the deck actual Accidental deck height is -.050"
Stock slant six is -.140" (when I say - I mean down the hole at TDC)under NHRA stock specs minimum. Production is always more. Occasionally much more. with the piston .090" higher in the bore even with the mild dish in the piston, coupled with the .100" over bore , compression ratio is smartly improved , cubes is now 237 cubic inches instead of 225. Compression is still in a range that can use good Hi test fuel. (We have 94 available here in places) Since the slant six cannot not stand too the moon RPM with its 4.12" stroke cam duration which is what determines RPM of peak power is not that high. Since duration has a large effect on Compression ratio needed (Nothing happens till the intake valve closes at the beginning of the compression stroke) The need for extreme compression in this engine is more imaginary then necessary and a build like this has good potential to be a great performer.