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How do i know the cage will fit my size?

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--- Quote from: rooman on June 18, 2014, 09:27:13 AM ---I agree that Worm has put a lot of people in dragsters that otherwise might not have been able to get to that point but as I stated my problem with his cars is the functionality and safety issue. When I look back at some of my early efforts from 45 years ago I cringe but right from the start I have made the effort to make each car better than the last one, listening to advice from more experienced builders and generally being observant as to what other constructors are doing. Every builder has their own idea of how to construct a car and the smart plan is to pick the best of those ideas to suit your own build. Every chassis builder looks at the opposition's product and at times thinks "Why did they do that?" but in the majority of cases it is not a safety issue.
     fuel749 pointed out that the Cen-Pen car that he had in his shop had slugs in the steering cross member but the one that I am working on did not.
     dusterdave173 points out that a bead seat insert will fix the seat problem but how many of the entry level guys buying these cars know about that option or even realize that they should be doing just that.
      As dreracecar pointed out on Facebook, overbuilding with respect to tube size and wall thickness is not necessarily safer as part of the SFI spec involves some deformation to absorb impact without transferring it to the driver.
     The fact that the motor plate is not aligned with an upright means that there is effectively a large gap for fire to get into the cockpit. Very unusual for one of these cars to catch fire but if it did your feet would get hot very quickly.
     The loose fit at the step down is also a basic engineering issue that I have never seen in another "pro" built car.

  I see some of these same issues in homebuilt cars but Worm is building these to sell and in that case there is a basic obligation to provide a safe, well engineered and designed product not just something that is easy for him to put together with a big profit margin.

As I stated when this furore started on Facebook, I hate to talk badly about another chassis builder but there but as stated above there are definite safety issues with the Cen-Pen cars and John does not appear to be doing anything to address them. Nobody has been hurt in one of them to my knowledge but lots of people have been driving their GM cars with no ignition switch issues for years and look what is happening there. I am not trying to sell more cars myself but am trying to make sure that the uninitiated have have some information to work with.


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Again, opinions/facts stated, with no personal vendetta. This is how I envision the forum working. The exchange of information without personal attacks

This may be an option for someone looking to build a car. They have a tack welded option for those not capable of jigging a kit up from scratch and the price looks reasonable (and more in line with what a tacked chassis should cost).


woops, missed two pages of good info from some respected people.  let me re edit my post.

Original Poster:
I can tell you that you WILL fit into the new SMRacing/ Lefty's Rod Shop 6.0 Front Engine Chassis.  I can tell you that Glenn would fit a whole lot more comfortably in our car than that worm car. and i am not badtalking anyone but i know a whole lot of people that would feel better with you in anything not a werm car.(spoken earlier in the thread).

I base all of this sizing from the mockup with my NFL lineman buddy mocked up in the new car with a grin a mile long!!!!!

So if you want some more info hit up my email or PM me. I will post a thread of the new car here soon, but  keeping private for now.  And if you are interested, let me know, we will have this car certified on july 4th so if i need to shorten the cage height for you let me know before i put it on the pod. also the dragster supply looks exactly like my fishmouths and tube fitment. we use all USA 4130, no chinese junk. And i could be very competitive with that website price. got some ideas on shipping too. let me know.

lates matt

Lots of good info, thanks a lot all of you!
I did not buy the Worm chassis.
But I was lucky, and have bought a very nice complete roller. Very happy with that! Next thing is to get it home to the land of the Vikings  8)


--- Quote from: gasserx on June 30, 2014, 11:51:42 PM ---Lots of good info, thanks a lot all of you!
I did not buy the Worm chassis.
But I was lucky, and have bought a very nice complete roller. Very happy with that! Next thing is to get it home to the land of the Vikings  8)

--- End quote ---
keep us updated


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