Technical > Roo Man's Room

How do i know the cage will fit my size?

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Worth the wait ;D

Thanks rooman, information with value!!!
Thats just the problem with buying something from the other side of the world, you cant trust what you find on the internet. I thought i had made quite good research, but seems like i looked in the wrong places (i can see that now). Allthough im not going to run a 7 sec car, i dont want to buy a sloppy built chassis, and if thats what the cen-pens are, i will for sure go in another direction.
I think i`ll stick to this forum and ask questions when i find another object.


--- Quote from: gasserx on June 17, 2014, 01:46:58 AM ---Thanks rooman, information with value!!!
Thats just the problem with buying something from the other side of the world, you cant trust what you find on the internet. I thought i had made quite good research, but seems like i looked in the wrong places (i can see that now). Allthough im not going to run a 7 sec car, i dont want to buy a sloppy built chassis, and if thats what the cen-pens are, i will for sure go in another direction.
I think i`ll stick to this forum and ask questions when i find another object.

--- End quote ---
I'm not sure I would call it a sloppy built dragster, my problem was it was not wide enough for me to sit in, on the other hand one went more rounds than I did this weekend at the HRR.

Shoddy should fit well.

Opinions are OK--and expert opinions are good too but...I thought when I found this forum that is would be to get all folks interested in and fond of FED's together and have a place to promote the love , racing, and enjoyment of FED's. Front engine dragsters and any type of Nostalgia racing is the only thing growing in our drag race world--it is growing leaps and bounds judging by the Bowling Green HRR this past wk end and the many other shows I have attended or read about in the last year or two. So it is disturbing that a few folks on here bash other builders --oh lets just say John Worm. Come one has died in one because of some awful failing flaw---unlike Chevys as of late...No they are not near the car like others done by experienced custom builders that have devoted their entire lives to create--but...decent entry level machine that can be finished a little at a time and wind up getting more folks in our camp--Heck Yes!!! Do some turn out poor quality because of home builder inexperience and general lack of skill--sure--like all kit type deals--just look at Cobra kits--they sell 40 times more kits than are ever made road worthy and some are pure t dangerous from lack of builder skill, but others are fantastic fun machines--so to, the Worm cars.
Not bragging but mine has turned out pretty darn well and I feel like if you saw it up close you would think I did a fine job of building--As to some of the "problems" outlined by others ( with all due respect) I would say--yeo the seat area is big at the bottom--lets All kinds of buyers fit ( except Sasquatch size) and a simple soloution is a seat foam form AKA Bead seat kit will do nicely to make my car safe and comfortable for my size butt and back. The weight issue is only apparent to guys that really RACE and are born weight  aware about every detail--Guys like me that will club race / match race/ and as you all know really know, just exhibition race couldn't give a poop about 50 lbs one way or the other--Burn alky and rubber and make us all smile is the real idea here not the Maximum effort or a serious hard core to the bone racer--which I was for 25 years --now I just want to have fun and not work at it so hard--I don't care if I go 8.00 or 9.00--could care less so weight? Big deal!
I could go on but in the words of Rodney King--Can't we all just get along??? Bashing Johns cars on the web and hurting the value of cars that many have instead of saying--yea it ain't a NHRA Jewel but I see how we can have more folks to play with--is not in the spirit of growing our beloved sport and if it does not do some growing you guys that are the experts will not have any new customers to build for.


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