Technical > Roo Man's Room

How do i know the cage will fit my size?

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Oh, and im looking for a 150-165", i also have a shipping address in New Jersey, and im able to arrange pickup (if someone knows of a good alternative)

Buy a SFI spec book and educate yourself. The best $ I have spent so far. When you have specific questions bring them back to this forum and let the professional builders help you.

I guess you are overseas--I inspect cars all the time for my Norway pals--you Must have any car inspected before purchase--I can do it for you just email me  I have a network of good guys nationwide if I can't get to it
Again , it is a MUST or you will get robbed
Glad to help
David in North Carolina

To know what you fit, you have to be measured.  Put on helmet and firesuit, and sit against a wall with your arms straight out in front of you and your knees slightly bent,  have somebody measure: top of helmet to floor, wall to base of palm, width at shoulders (both relaxed and tight to wall, and rolled in a little)  This will let you know what chassis you can fit in.

David, email your way in a few  :)


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