Technical > Roo Man's Room

How do i know the cage will fit my size?

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Hi guys, newbie on here. Lots of good information and great pictures.
Im overseas and im looking to buy a FED. Stumbled over a worm frame, but im not quite sure how to determine if the cage fits me or not.
Im 6ft tall, and around 190lbs.
From what i know, the cage is built for a large person and the front bar is said to be 21".
Any help is good help  :)

I don't have any direct experience with his chassis but you shouldn't have a problem fit based on his specs. I guess for me it would be about aesthetics. The site says it fits someone that's 6'5". With that, if you're 6", that would mean there would be 7" between the top of your helmet and the top of the roll cage. I don't know, that just seems like a big gap. Also take into consideration the chassis is build with 1-1/2" .095 wall tubing. That's just really thick. But hey, do whatever is needed to start racing.


Waiting  ::)

Come on Bruce I know you can't just sit there and say nothing.   ::)  :o

This is towards Andrew's comment. I would think it would only be half of the 7" between your helmet and roll cage. Gotta consider half that 7" is from the waist down. There is also the leg to body length ratio, can be same height with long or short legs. I'm 6'6" with a car built to my size. A friend about 6'2" has 5" between helmet and cage. As they say results can vary. Won't really know until you hop in.


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