Technical > Matt Shaff's Engine Shop
stupid question?
Hi, just wanting to know what oil weight to use in my stack injected small chevy. Its on methanol. Also
what plugs are recomended for the same setup. I need 3/4" reach,gasket seat plugs, for a magneto.
Thanks in advance
I will assume this is a compression ratio around 12 to 1.
If the bearings clearances are typical bracket race: .0025-.003" we use 10-40 Brad Penn racing oil.
Everybody will have a different view on this but we have used that oil with ZERO problems.
Spark plugs are also a topic of preference. We have been using NGK plugs for the few years.
They are very easy to read and not over priced.
I would start with a R5671A-7. The short number is: 4091.
Tighten up the gap to .016-.018" for the mag.
Thats my 2 cents:
--- Quote from: Frontenginedragsters on May 27, 2014, 07:59:22 AM ---"...I would start with a R5671A-7. The short number is: 4091...."
--- End quote ---
That's interesting Matt, I've been afraid that NGK heat range '7' was too warm for such application. I'm currently using '9' (R5672A-9), but definitely going warmer on my next set of spark plugs.
-9 is two steps colder than the -7. NGK runs colder as the number goes higher on that series.
--- Quote from: gordon on May 27, 2014, 08:23:17 PM ----9 is two steps colder than the -7. NGK runs colder as the number goes higher on that series.
--- End quote ---
That's correct. As a matter of fact, I believe this applies to all NGK series.
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